Live Chat: Take Your Business to New Height

Today’s businesses are harnessing many tools to have at their disposal to help them reach new heights.  One of the most popular tools is live chat. To compete with online businesses this tool is essential.

Let me paint you a picture.  A potential customer is shopping online and stops on your site.  He notices your price is close to the competitor.

Your competitor has live chat. They can answer questions and make the process of buying smoother.  Your site actually has a lower price, but no live chat!

Bottom line is that customer is going to choose the company with good customer service.

Keep on reading for more interesting information about the power of live chat.

Why you need live chat software: Instant gratification!

Think about it, if something was a little bit more expensive but you would have instant gratification instead of dealing with a company that you need to email and won’t hear back from in a week, who would you choose?

Staying in touch with your customers is huge now in days, the more connected you are the better chance you are of making a sale.

Adding live chat software to your site will increase your monthly conversions (sale purchases) and you will immediately see a boost of 20% conversion rate in the first month!

To see a list of live chat software companies that placed top 10 for the current year 2012 and years prior as well as an index of the features and prices click the link above.

Velaro is one of these top ten and have been for several reoccurring years.  They are known for adding value to huge companies such as DELL, General Motors, Pfizer, and many more!

If that’s not enough to steer you to get live chat then just remember this…

Instant customer satisfaction is necessary now in days!

Live chat is easy to use, and the results are phenomenal.

You will need a couple of operators to handle the customer’s questions and concerns.

These operators will have to be trained to handle customers and represent your business.

What follows is very important and I can’t stress it enough.  Poor support / customer service is the last thing you want to be known for.

You want word of mouth to spread that your business is trustworthy and easy to get along with.

Live chat is the easiest way to accomplish this!

Alright, I’m sold on adding live chat software…. What else do I need to know?

You will need to test different live chat software’s and find one that you like.  After you have found an easy to use software that you enjoy using you will continue to start testing it.

You will need to continue to test until you have set up all the options and you’re confident with handling the software.

You need to train your operators to be on their best behavior at all times.  But this is not all. Below is how to train your operators to be successful when dealing with customers.

Live chat software allows your operators to have an infinite amount of windows (customers) open at once.

Your operators need to be speedy when it comes to dealing with customers and questions.

The whole point to having live chat is to be quick and smooth with customers.

Your operator should never forget about a customer window.  If you forget about that window then there goes your potential sale to the competitor.

Next, your operators need to be trained to gather information.  You need to be smooth and always gather the most important information first.

After gathering information you should always make an opportunity to move your chat on to sales.

A well trained operator will bring you sales, and a poorly trained one will cost you them.

Keep in mind you are putting your trust in another person to represent your business and your products.  You must thoroughly train them until you feel confident in letting them go on their own.

Thank you for reading and I hope this article can be of use to you.


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